Tuesday, 10 November 2015

How To Make Money Online Fast

How to make money from the internet is probably something that a lot of people have been looking for even up to this current time. There are thousands of places and multiple ways to earn money online. Yet, a huge percentage of people have no clue how to do so. Because of that, majority don’t make a single penny and sometimes loose even the little they had. .
I might have seen Traffic Monsoon ads a couple of hundred times before i took a step to join the family. For two years i had struggled to make money online and even lost some at some point. it took me sometime to process whether this site(Traffic Monsoon) that everyone was so much talking and sharing earning screenshots of could be a thing that would finally get me out there to shine like everyone else.
I wanted to make money. I knew what was required to make money with Traffic Monsoon. I took action, probably the hardest and most difficult one. I plunged in 4 ad packs (That is $200, money that i had to borrow to get started and probably the most i have ever spent anywhere on the internet). I decided to step out of my own comfort zone and make things happen. That was a risk i had to take because I understood to make money i had to spend money.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

How to Make Money Online as a Bet9ja Sports Betting Affiliate

Image result for bet9ja
If you are looking for another way to make money online as an affiliate especially with sport betting, then this short guide could be of help to you.
There are so many ways to make easy money online though some require you to have a website while some don’t.
With Affiliate Programs such as Football Betting, it doesn’t necessarily require you to own a website before you can start making money with them. Such Affiliate Programs are very good and is used by most people because you earn profits as long as the people you referred and keep placing bets. In this post, I will be introducing you to Bet9ja Affiliate program which pays up to 20% commission on your referral profits and loss so you keep making money every single day he/she place’s a bet.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Whogohost.com - Cheap Web Hosting Company To Work with

Image result for whogohost
Sincerely have not really seen a bigger website using this hosting company. But for less bigger websites and blogs including new blogs, without any doubt, whogohost.com will surely provide you with nothing but the best cheap hosting services for your websites and blogs.

I personally have been enjoying two years of cheap web hosting services with this company and haven't had any reason to regret. My entertainment blog, kongegist.com is currently hosted by whogohost company and very soon this blog will be hosted by the same company.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Come Here! 18 Profitable and Marketable 21st Century Online Skills For Young Entrepreneurs

I just saw this on Ogbongeblog.com and decided to share it with you here...

online entrepreneurship In the past decades, professions like law, medicine and engineering were big deals. Every father wanted their sons/daughters to become a lawyer, doctor, engineer or banker. But today the game has changed. The internet has changed the where, when, how and perhaps why people do things. The jobs that didn’t exist 10 or 20 years ago now exist because of the internet.
For a savvy entrepreneur, the internet is a goldmine. It gives massive leverage to anybody who is serious about the internet business. The internet is so wide and vast that it can comfortably accommodate everybody’s goods and services.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Make Money in 2015 with SFI

A very happy money making new year to you...
Looking for a REAL way to earn money online in 2015? Look no further.  Get SFI and get REAL results with a REAL and PROVEN company.

Sign Up Here 

If you're ready to get REAL, get SFI.  Yesterday, 775 people from 60 different countries became SFI affiliates.  That's one enrollment every 111 seconds.  And that's just from ONE day!
Why is SFI growing so fast? Simple.  SFI works.  The fact is, for more than 13 years now, SFI has been
showing men and women all over the world how to build profitable Internet businesses from the comfort of their homes.  Today, with 5636 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. 

This making money site credits their members with points, called VERSAPOINTS.
The more points you accumulate, the more money you’ll earn with SFI!
More points also means valuable perks and power tools to help you fully maximize your profits.

Again, very simple.  On your SFI Homepage is now list a for you all the actions you can take to earn points.